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My DiscGolf

4.0 ( 800 ratings )
Spor Eğlence
Geliştirici: Flaming Pumpkin Ltd

Welcome to MyDiscGolf, officially partnered with DiscGolf UK! MyDiscGolf is packed with helpful features including a course directory, scorecards, exclusive offers and loyalty rewards. Make tee time bookings quickly (with no fees!). Discover why our app is the “go to” tool for DiscGolfer’s nationwide.

Find DiscGolf Fast
Our easy to use directory makes tracking down your next round a breeze. Search by courses “near you” or by postcode.

Quickly add scores to keep track of your rounds. Share on social media. Save your completed cards, keeping track of your past games.

Exclusive Offers
The “Offers & Deals” section features EXCLUSIVE course offers and deals – only available on the MyDiscGolf app!

Book DiscGolf
No booking fees! Unlock loyalty offers after multiple bookings! (Only available through the MyDiscGolf app, get rewarded for playing!).

FREE to download and use.
No in-app purchases.
Certain discounts and offers are only available through MyDiscGolf.